Welcome to the website for the Yorkshire Folk Dance Weekend.

We are very grateful to Malcolm and Judy for setting up this event and running it for 10 years.

As they retire, we are fortunate to have new management taking it on.

It has always been a great weekend - the format works well and it is intended that very little will change.

Details for the 2025 wekend are contained elsewhere on this website.

Pictures from previous festivals are here.

The types of dancing we cover include:

  • American Squares
  • American Contras
  • English Ceilidh
  • Playford

If you would like to know more, please let us know! You can:

  • Email us yfdw@mail.com                                    
  • You can book tickets using the form here
  • You can download an A5 Poster to display at your club or group here
  • You can download an A4 Poster to display at your club or group here
  • You can download a large font programme here
  • To download any of the above change their name (add your initials say) and save to your download directory

  • However you get in touch, please let us know what you would be interested in doing at the festival (including anything we haven't listed above), and how experienced a dancer you are.  We will then add you to our mailing list and keep you updated.

Many thanks

Philip Rowe (among others & initial contact)